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Neuromuscular aka Medical Massage

What is Neuromuscular aka Medical Massage and who would benefit from it?

Neuromuscular massage therapy, also known as medical massage, is a technique that focuses on realigning the deepest layer of muscle tissue and connective tissue. This includes tendons, scar tissue, and fascial layers; (the protective areas which surround your joints, muscles, and bones).

It is used to concentrate on specific areas to help restore balance, reduce or eliminate pain, correct holding patterns, and relieve muscular tension. Feedback from client is encouraged and is a key role in medical massage. Therapeutic pressure is used and measured as 6 out of 10 on a pain scale. Never exceeding that "hurts good" feeling. 

Neuromuscular Therapy is helpful for anyone with new or chronic pain. It is used to address various aches, pains, and issues including but not limited to:

  • Chronic pain

  • Restricted mobility

  • Recovery from automobile accidents

  • Recovery from sport injuries or falls

  • Pain associated with Osteoarthritis

  • Muscle Tension

  • Posture problems

  • Repetitive Strain Injuries (i.e. Carpel tunnel, tennis elbow, thoracic outlet syndrome, etc.)

  • Insomnia

  • Joint pain

  • Sprains or Stiffness

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Lower Back Pain

  • Headaches, Migraines

  • Sciatica

  • Piriformis syndrome

  • Scoliosis

  • Sprains or Spasms

  • Fatigue and Low Energy Issues

Back Massage
Back Massage

What would a session entail?

Neuromuscular massage therapy involves a hands-on approach using a combination of six different techniques. They include: Skin Rolling which warms the superficial fascia and helps to release fascial adhesions; Myofascial Release (sculpting and cleansing) is performed with very little lotion in order to stretch the deeper myofascial layers surrounding the muscles, this allows the muscles to return to a healthy resting length; Cross-fiber Massage releases deep fascial restrictions and locates trigger points; Trigger Point Pressure Release helps eliminate Trigger Points that refer pain to other areas by holding static pressure on tender points (For example, specific areas in the upper shoulders and neck can cause headaches); Effleurage – a long gliding stroke; and Petrissage – kneading and compression similar to kneading dough.  Neuromuscular Therapy techniques are usually combined with Deep Tissue to create the ultimate massage. 

During this type of Neuromuscular massage therapy, the client will be undressed and covered by a sheet or towel while lying comfortably faced down on a massage table with your head in a u-shaped head rest and face up. The practitioner will perform the massage using massage lotion, and only uncover the portion of your body they are working on.

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